Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!!

We brought in the New Year at the Galloway's House! It was so much fun to be with friends. We played Rock Band, Wii, jumped in a Bounce House and watched fireworks. Every little child stayed awake until midnight! Too much fun to be had!
Gavin rockin' out to Boston

Camden and Nathan at the drums

Caitlin and Emily singing

Gavin conquered guitar, now he's on to drums

The whole motley crew

All rockers have their outlet....this group uses a bounce house

We all come together for the countdown....
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1..

Aren't we supposed to bring in the new year with a kiss?
Chris and Carmen, thanks for being awesome Hosts!
Carmen , Shaun, Me and Rachel
Elisa and dad

The Teen Scene, reunited with Chris!!
Gavin and Camden...I can't believe they sat long enough for this picture! They bounced for HOURS!!
Kennedy and Sami
Keriann, Kinsey and Savannah
Kinsey, Kennedy, John and Carver....Lopez family minus Amy and Cooper
Kinsey, Keriann and Savannah
Clay and Keriann

Children playing with explosives (next to propane tank)
Jeff playing with explosives....what else is new?

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