Saturday, January 3, 2009

Cousin Fun

Our winter break from school was filled with COUSIN FUN! Okay, so there was a small amount of tattle-tailing, arguing and knife throwing (not REAL knives) but overall loads of fun!

Keriann and Hayden at Disney's Hollywood Studios

Hayden, Gavin and Camden at Sea World

Camden, Gavin and Hayden and a whale

Camden and Gavin and the whale. Do you see it?

The kids, uh and Aunt Chellie, taking a ride!

Camden, Hayden and Gavin walking up the net

"He's my Grandpa...nuh uh, he's mine!"

Clay and Keriann must finish homework before playing a the park.
They actually had quite a bit of homework over the break.
Merry Christmas from the teachers!

We had so much fun at the park. We had lunch and lots of
playtime. The kids had a BALL!

Gavin on the tire swing

Camden....king of the monkey bars

Gavin, king of the tires, enjoyed jumping from tire to tire...until he was tired.

The Roe cousins

Keriann jumping off the swing. Cool hair!

Clay jumping....just plain cool.

I LOVE this park!!

This day, we went to Painted by Hue. The kids picked out a
pottery piece and painted away! We LOVED this activity, too!
The little boys painted cereal bowls. Can't wait to see them after firing!

The big kids painted plates. Clay painted things that describe him.
Like muscles and good looks....just kidding. More like football, weight lifting,
piano and ballroom dancing. Keriann painted inspiration sayings and uplifting words about friends.
Getting in touch with his inner artist

Very creative, Keriann!

I think we stayed too long!


Kellie said...

Too many paint fumes perhaps?! :-) I feel really old looking at Clay & Kerriann!

Sanford Clan said...

Hi Lorraine! Its Lilian Brush, now Sanford. I just wanted to say wow! Clay and Kerrian are handome and gorgeous! Next time I am in orlando, I will come visit. I hope u r all healthy and happy! Love, Lilian

Amy said...

Okay Roe family. I am ready for some new news. I have taken all sorts of cute pictures of those kids of yours, and if you don't blog them...I might :)

Rachelle said...

I found your blog through Margaret's.

HOLY GEEZ how are you kids that big?! Especially Clay? My gosh, I feel old.