Saturday, December 6, 2008

Avalon Aglow

The Avalon community closes its streets to celebrate the Christmas season every year. They have tons of booths with vendors, food and services. They have two stages where schools, dance companies, acting groups, etc. perform. They have tons of shows to watch and games for kids to play. They had "snow" and "sledding". I was lucky enough to have Kristen, Gabi and Kai visiting from Utah at that time! They met up with me and the kids and Andrea. Keriann and Sara were IN the cool parade with the Timber Creek Regiment!!

Gabi coming down the slide.

Gabi and Kai leaving the train station!

Here comes your "Timber Creek RRRegimeennntttt"

Okay, so the video isn't that great....I admit. But, I was holding a child AND

trying to find Keriann and Sara so the little kids could see them too!

1 comment:

Alexa Slaughter said...

Sweet! I love seeing the Regiment. Man I miss that. :)