Saturday, July 26, 2008

Siesta Key

We spent the day in Siesta Key with Scott, Michelle and Hayden. The beach is beautiful on the Gulf. The little waves, "ankle slappers" as Scott would say, were perfect for the little boys. Once you got past the waves, it was like being in a big swimming pool (with 100's of strangers). The clear water made it perfect for Clay and Keriann to dive and pick up several shells, after failed attempts to find sand dollars. The beach had the water, and the right kind of sand to make a comfortable time lounging and playing with new sand toys. Our prepared lunches made a quick and pleasant time. We stayed at the beach until the late afternoon, and went home after a great day.
The whole family had fun in the water, Together!!
The veterans of the beach
Hayden loves sand toys
Jeff holding down the roof

Clay tries to find shade in the heat

Camden loves the taste of the water!
Hayden is searching for fun
Camden digging away
Our beach getaway
Hayden was not that happy leaving

Everyone was able to find fun playing ball or relaxing!


Alexa Slaughter said...

Ok- I am so jealous! The water looks amaaaazing.

Camden is really good at volleyball. And your camera has awesome zoom :)

Savannah Raskey said...

hey! those are such cute pics! my mom especially likes the one of your family in the water and the family walking away.. ur blog rox!!! <3 savannah

Margaret and Jason Mair said...

You guys look awesome! I totally miss your family! I hope everything is well! And I am totally jealous of the fact that you can go to the beach! Blah...that is the only bag thing with Utah!

PS It's Margaret Jacobus!

Amy said...

So who has the cutest blog now? are the blog queen. Love your cute pictures and your cute family. If I could get my stinking computer fixed, I could get caught up on mine. I just use Sara's computer here and there, but I am getting FRUSTRATED. Anyway, so fun to see your cute stuff.