Thursday, July 24, 2008

Keriann's Korner

Hey, this is my first posting and im totally excited!! Recently the 14-18 year olds at our church went 2 youth conference. The theme this year was service. I thought the leaders had 2 b challenged with having 175 teenagers actually WORK!! The turn-out was great we worked 2 different service projects and had an ah-mazing time doing it!! Along with our 2 service projects we had a dance every night!! The 1st night was casual while the 2nd night the girlie-girls got dolled up and the boys wore monkey suits. The experience was spiritual and fun!!

LDS-Love Doing Service
That was tiring!*yawn*

"Young Man"... Where?!?!

We're all smiles!!

All of these guys make it onto Clay's Most Wanted list

Thanks 4 the help Skyler?

Awwwwww!! Browtha and sista

Matchy-mik-matcherson... or not


The Bouncers;)


The Florida Roses said...

Such cute pictures!!! We have the best youth in the whole world! Love your post Keriann!

Alexa Slaughter said...

haha.. I think I recognized those pictures from somewhere... :)

Savannah Raskey said...

hey Keriboo!!!! (thats my code name for you..) anyways i love your lil Korner, suuuper cuteness!!! can't wait to see your nxt post :)


Amy said...

I think you have a future in the blogging world. Such cute and funny stuff. You kids are the cutest and I wish I had been at youth conference with you.