Monday, July 21, 2008

Cocoa Beach

We had a great time at the beach with our friends. The sun was hot and the water was refreshing. The kids played in the sand, boogie boarded and showed off their sweet volleyball skills. A fisherman down the beach caught a shark...some of our group ran down and watched, while others were too busy soaking up the sun a.k.a. me!My LDS posse

The teen scene

lil' bathing beauties

Kinsey and Savannah

Kennedy and Emily

Shaina and Keriann

Camden riding a wave?

A picture of the picture of the shark. It's really there, I promise.

Sara and Sissa

We should have feared the beach with the "high hazard" warning, but we carry our own red flag with our 28 children combined!


Savannah Raskey said...

OMGSH! those are the CUUTEST pics eva!!! you are an AH-MAZING photographer!!! we loooooove you!!!

the von Haskies

Amy said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog. Now I will want to copy from you. You are much more clever than me. It is nice to know that my kids are staring on another blog besides my own. We are having fun in Utah, but we miss you guys. Carver won't believe me when I tell him they don't have an ocean here. So funny. See you soon.

Amy and co.

Unknown said...

Your blog is great!! The pics of Cocoa Beach bring back fun memories!! Jennifer