Sunday, July 20, 2008

Brevard Zoo

My friend Kristen and her two children, Gabi and Kai, were visiting from Utah. We all went to the Brevard Zoo. Keriann's friend, Savannah, came also. The highlight at the zoo was the giraffes. With their 20'' tongues, they can become very upclose and personal.

This giraffe is loving the attention from Savannah and Keriann.

Thankfully, this is not a live animal.

Keriann and Savannah got to Kayak through Africa.

Camden and Gabi feeding a deer. Hand sanitizer anyone?

Kai loved the zoo and the train ride.

A bird landed on Gabi's head and she handled it like a little bird whisperer. The bird sat on her head, sipping nectar from a little cup that Gabi was holding. This went on for over two minutes. This is a short video...and I warn voice gets annoying, you may want to mute!


The Florida Roses said...

OK that is so amazing that you caught that on film!!!! That is so cool!

the three talberts said...

loved all video and pictures

Savannah Raskey said...

OMGSH! those pictures are adorable..(of course i'm in a couple of them) lol and that video is uber cute.. i had such an awesomely fun time at the zoo.. thank you soooo much for letting me go!

Anonymous said...

How fun to go to a training camp for the Bucs! But I do have to say...GO COLTS! I have set this site to my favs so I will be checking it often. I do not have the time to do something like this. pretty cool! Love you all!
