Thursday, October 16, 2008

Ft. Christmas Field Trip

I was able to go on a field trip with Camden, to Ft. Christmas park. It's a beautiful park located in Christmas, FL...about 10 minutes from our house. Ft. Christmas is a Historical Park and Museum with a full size replica of Fort Christmas, built in 1837. The park also houses seven "Cracker" style houses. These houses are restored historical homes once lived in by local pioneer families. The purpose of the field trip is to teach the children how these pioneer families lived and worked together back in the 1800's. It is also where we had our last family reunion.

Welcome to Fort Christmas

Here is Camden's class outside of one of the museums inside the Fort.

Listening to our guide explain how the pioneer children churned their own butter.

Camden taking a churn, er, turn.

Inside one of the beautiful homes.

"Who wants to live like a pioneer?"

You must be willing to do LOTS of chores. Like going outside
to pump water for washing your clothes and bathing.
Did pioneer children bathe?

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