Saturday, October 17, 2009

Clay's Eagle Scout Project

Today was the culmination of months of planning, fund raising, and work on the part of Clay. All these elements came together today as we all participated in...and FINISHED, Clay's Eagle Scout project. Clay's project consisted of constructing an outdoor relaxation area (including landscaping and gazebo), for one of the Primrose Group Homes for disabled adults. Clay worked hard all summer to raise money for the supplies and today friends and family helped complete this project. We were blessed with the most amazing cool weather and gorgeous blue skies. Perfect weather to dig-in and work.

Good friends...ready to work
Lots of helping hands unloading the truck...getting the supplies to the back yard

Caleb Dowdy, Adam Padilla, and Kinsey Lopez were all ready to help out

Mason Dowdy, and Adam start clearing the path to the future gazebo. Hard work for sure.

Clay "supervising" and planning things out with Chris and Paul

The "Once I was I am found" hardware to the gazebo. Maybe Chris Dowdy just needed to look a little closer :)

Do you notice a pattern here? These are only a few of the casualties. Hmm, who was breaking all of these tools? Lets just say, there were some accusation...and some tears :)

Clearing the ground was for sure the most time consuming part

Camden wins the "wants to help the most" award for sure. What a little trooper.

Mason and Clay getting ready to lay the pavers

Cute Keriann

Down goes the pavers and the mulch...things are moving along

Grandma doesn't miss a beat. She gets right in there...clears the ground...and pulls out this huge root (with Kinsey's help) and Adam Hawkes is ready to take it away.
Ashley and her "baby niece"

Yay! Pizza. Cute delivery girl

hungry much?

Grandpa gets into the mix and moves a little dirt

"My hands look worse than yours"

Denise worked her fingers to the bone today. She never stopped.

Concrete mixing, done Jeff Roe style

The gazebo is starting to look like a gazebo

Mulch and flowers make such a difference

Aunt Denise and Clay

And it's FINISHED! Four hours of work, lots of helping hands, and a wonderful finished product for these group home residents.




Job well done Clay!