Sunday, November 23, 2008

Camden is 7!

We celebrated Camden's 7th birthday at Disney's Winter Summerland Mini Golf. It's a super cute mini golf course with two 9-hole courses. One course is snow themed and the other is sand themed. We had two groups of kids on each course! Aside from a few sprinkles, the kids had a great time!

The entire group of friends!
My little sister, Ashley with her cute group!

Camden, Gavin and Gabriel in front of the snow castle.

Clay with his group. They conquered the sandy side.

Keriann and Savannah with their group of boys!

Camden got several hole in one's that day! I captured one on video!
Being 7 must give you Tiger powers!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Camden's Thanksgiving Feast

On the Thursday before Thanksgiving break, our school cafeteria prepares a delicious feast! Turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes w/gravy, cranberry sauce, yummy veggies and dessert! So, our little pilgrims and Native Americans couldn't wait for their feast....well, some of them couldn't wait and others were looking for the alternative lunch....aka, Camden...who ate a chef's salad with a side of uh, salad.

Did Pilgrim boys even eat salad?
One little, two little, three little...native americans

"Hmmm, do I want a feast or salad?"

They were able to eat their feast in the classroom. Their were lots
of moms and dads visiting.

I was happy to be one of them!